Let it go and life stops shaking You! * Päästä irti, niin elämä lopettaa ravistelun!

Free Yourself from things and people which/who doesn't serve Your higher best anymore. Thank, forgive (Yourself and others) and let go. Then first You have a vacuum which can feel awkward (if You don't understand it's meaning). After a while (it can be seconds or months) You'll see how beautiful and awesome things just fly into Your life So let go, let go.. save the good, let go the bad and be wise enough to see the difference between those two. That's my powerful quote to myself also "let go and flow!"

Vapauta itsesi siitä, mikä ei palvele itseäsi. Kiitä, anna itsellesi ja muille anteeksi ja päästä irti. Hetken päästä huomaat, miten loit tyhjiön, joka vetää puoleensa upeita asioita!
